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Sigue Sigue Sputnik - Discography Hit: The Glam Punk Legacy of Tony James and Co.


Mick Jones, formerly of the Clash, worked with the band as live sound engineer, helped manipulate their sound, and appeared with them when they opened for New Model Army.[3] Fachna O'Kelly, manager of the Boomtown Rats who had provided much of the band's equipment, provided the band with the name Sigue Sigue Sputnik, a reference to a Filipino street gang and meaning, in rough translation "go, go satellite" ("sigue" coming from Tagalog, and from original Spanish meaning "go on", and Sputnik referencing the first man-made satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1957).[3][4] The band's sound was, according to James, arrived at by accident, when he inadvertently mixed elements of film soundtracks with their demo track "Love Missile F1-11" while putting together a video compilation from his favourite films.[3]

Sigue Sigue Sputnik - Discography hit



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