So, I received a big box of parts for a friend at work. Among other useful items was a PCI 512. I have it installed and running on my win98 box, but of course I'm lacking the bundled software that came with the card. I couldn't find anything about download locations from the creative site. Is there a place to download the original software that came with these cards?
Creative Live!Ware 3.0 CD ISO update.7z
That's the thing, I *have* the official driver from the creative site, and it's working fine. That's not the issue. What I want is the bundled software that came with the card. The friend I got it from HAD the disc but it was scratched and cracked beyond hope of repair. I'm hoping someone can make an image of the original disc, or even from a generic Live! family disc if the software works with the whole family and not specific to a card even.
I have a Live!ware 3.0 With SBLW-CD-S2D-1-USIt's from the Australian PC User July 2000 CD, not sure if its got the Vxd dirvers though as the installer stops when it cant find a card installed.I remember it had more then the download from the creative site which I had been using the previous 3 years before getting the CD but cant remember the differences now.Been meaning to upload it to Vogon drivers for a while, but haven't asked for a logon, I'll do that now. Size is 323MB zipped if you have somewhere to dump it?
1) Link to the full Live!Ware 3.0 CD. Filename is "Creative Live!Ware 3.0 CD ISO+update.7z". Source: some random MegaUpload link.2) Link to the Creative upgrade patch. Filename is sblw9xup.exe. Source: Creative.3) Link to the "Beta" Creative upgrade patch. Filename is Source:, also discussed here on the msfn website.4) Link to the Play Center patch. Filename is PlayCenter155.exe. Source: Creative.5) Link to the Disc detector patch. Filename is DDINSUPD.EXE. Source: Creative.
7) Link to the standalone Live!Ware 3.0 drivers. Filename is Source: DriverGuide. See note 7 below.8 ) Link to the full install CD, using the WDM driver model (Windows Millennium). Filename is Live! Install CD.7z. Source: Malik's Creative software thread, here.9) Link to the English user guide manual. File name is English.pdf. Source: it's in the User Guide sub folder located inside the software above, at link number 8.
7) This is a driver package only. I think some of the drivers are newer than the software in link number 1, but as those can be easily upgraded, I wouldn't bother with this package, because if you use the software in link number 1, you can select the "Drivers only install" option anyway. If you can't download this file from DriverGuide for whatever reason, just google for LiveWare 3.0 or, and you'll surely find it.
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